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12 ways to express love


As one famous quote says ‘Love is a verb’. That truly means that words are not enough, these are actions that can speak much louder. So, if you wish to be heard by your loved one, support your words with wise and thoughtful behaviour: Don’t criticize or compare your loved one to others. Be a good listener. Ask for his/her opinions and …


Stylistic Devices for Memorable Speech


“Eloquence doesn’t come to the lazy”, said Demosthenes, one of the most famous ancient public speakers in Greece.  If you want to influence your audience, change their opinions, beliefs, attitudes, impress them, you must remember two things: 1) your presentation must be well-prepared with facts, arguments, figures and ideas, 2) your speech …


13 Public Speaking Tips of the Best TED Talks


Public Speaking is a skill that takes years to develop, but there are some simple ways to instantly improve your speaking and presentation skills. Here are simple tips for preparing, practicing, and rapidly improving your ability. And as a bonus, each tip includes a link to an awesome TED Talk; not only can you see great speakers in action, you can …


Top-30 grammar mistakes. Хит-парад ошибок наших слушателей


Сколько раз на уроке вы говорили или слышали “I am agree” или “It depends from”? Если на начальном этапе такие mistakes еще простительны, то ученики уровней Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate и Advanced должны серьезно …




What is Mentoring? Mentoring is essentially about helping people to develop more effectively. It is a relationship designed to build confidence and support the mentee so they are able to take control of their own development and work. Mentoring is not the same as training, teaching or coaching, and a mentor doesn’t need to be a qualified trainer …


Вы еще сомневаетесь, нужен ли вам английский язык?


  Давайте рассмотрим их поподробнее. Физиологический аспект «Гимнастика для мозга» Изучение иностранных языков, как любая интеллектуальная деятельность, не дает стареть нервным клеткам …


Emotional Health


Myths and Facts about Emotional Health Myth 1: There is a right way to feel in each and every situation in life. Fact: Emotions cannot be classified as right and wrong or good and bad. There is no rulebook on what you can feel and when you can feel that way. In fact, people can react differently to all kinds of situations and no one can be …


New Year’s resolutions


New Year’s resolutions are a tradition that dictates that every 365 days, you should try to kick bad habits and start your life anew. We start a new year with hope that we can make our lives (or our relationships, our community, or even the world) better. We hope to exchange self-destructive or wasteful old habits for new, healthier ones. Making …


About Christmas


Christmas in the UK is the biggest holiday of the year. Family gatherings, turkey, presents and parties are just some of the things that come to mind when we think about Christmas time. Christmas can mean different things to different people. For many people it means eating a lot and spending time with family and visiting relatives and friends. For …


Dealing with stress at work

Jobs and careers are an important part of our lives. Even “dream jobs” have stressful deadlines, performance expectations, and other responsibilities. For some, stress is the motivator that ensures things get done. However, job stress also frequently causes burnout, a condition marked by emotional exhaustion and negative or cynical attitudes …


Thanksgiving Day


Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and the United States as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Almost in every culture in the world there is a celebration of thanks for rich harvest. The American Thanksgiving began as a feast of thanksgiving almost four hundred years …


10 Signs You Are Enjoying Your Work


Here are some key signs that you enjoy your work: Time flies by and you lose yourself. You enter a flow state. It happens when you do something that is really enjoyable (like playing a musical instrumental you love) or being with someone you really care about, all worries and other tasks just slip away. It’s the same thing when you are doing …


10 Royal Idioms


С 9 сентября Елизавета II занимает престол 63 года — дольше, чем любой из ранее царствовавших британских монархов. Как известно, британцы любят свою королеву и всю королевскую семью, …


12 steps to find the way


A secret for a happy life is simple: DO WHAT YOU LOVE and LOVE WHAT YOU DO. But the point is How to do what you love? How to find what you love? Here 12 steps to find the way that will make you happy. Pinpoint the thing(s) that make you feel the happiest, freest, and most satisfied when you’re doing them.Note also your talents, passions and …


13 Great Leader Signs


Sometimes, people with the greatest potential for leadership, don’t even realise they have it. Here are 13 signs showing that you are going to be a great leader, even if you don’t realize it right now.  1. You empower others Leadership is not a position of privilege or power. It is a position of service. A leader’s job, first and foremost …


Boss Vs. Leader


Most people think that as soon as a person is appointed to a leading position in the company he or she automatically becomes a leader. Yet, most of the appointed take the chair of just a boss not a leader. If you’d like to know the difference between a boss and a leader, read on.   Boss Leader Drives employees Depends on …


The business story about three envelopes

A fellow was hired as the new CEO of a large high tech corporation. The CEO who was stepping down met with him privately and presented him with three numbered envelopes. «Open these if you run up against a problem you don’t think you can solve,» he said. Well, things went along pretty smoothly, but six months later, sales took a …


Dealing gracefully with the elderly


Respect the elderly person. Always be respectful to the elderly. Even though they have aged and may be losing their health, they are still people with emotions and ideas. Don’t judge them by their physical condition. Aging is simply a part of the natural cycle: you are born, you’re a kid, you’re grown into your teen years, adult …


Know Why Teachers Are Good for You


In the words of a famous writer «Education is not the filling of a vessel but the lighting of a fire.» We must credit our teachers who ignite the fire of learning in the mind that is yearning for knowledge. But teaching is not easy. Unlike popular self-belief, not every one can be a teacher. Sure, you can pursue teaching programs to gain …


What makes social media so powerful today?


What comes to your mind when you hear the term “Social Media?» Mostly people think the media help them meet and communicate with people around the world. Nowadays, social media seems like a big part of our life. When your friends didn’t reply to your text, you can greet them on Facebook. When you want to listen to music or see a music …
