
12 ways to express love

creative-ways-to-say-i-love-youAs one famous quote says ‘Love is a verb’. That truly means that words are not enough, these are actions that can speak much louder. So, if you wish to be heard by your loved one, support your words with wise and thoughtful behaviour:

  1. Don’t criticize or compare your loved one to others.
  2. Be a good listener.
  3. Ask for his/her opinions and ideas.
  4. Respect his/her feelings.
  5. Keep your promises.
  6. Buy a gift for NO reason.
  7. Apologize if necessary.
  8. Tell your loved one why you love him/her.
  9. Be proud of his/her accomplishments.
  10. Forgive and forget.
  11. Be honest.
  12. Show common courtesy.