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Our advantages


Assessment results are reflected in training and development plans.

Professionalism and expertise

A team of professionals with experience in the evaluation, development and training with more than 10 years of expertise and a data bank for comparison of aviation logistics industry


Experience in international assessment teams and employees on 5 continents

Focus on Innovation

In-house development and testing of assessment tools. Successful launching of initiatives aimed at personnel development.

Environmentally friendly

All instruments fully comply with company values and goals. Company environment contributes to personnel development.

Modern Equipment

Well-equipped classrooms and professional facilities.

Our Services

For more information and consultation on personnel assessment in your company use the following link: hello@univer-vd.com

News and Articles

Our projects

Formation of professional and managerial reserve of the company, creation of HiPo system

Assessment of the company personnel competencies by methods elaborated in Assessment Center, competencies interviews, 360 assessment

Development of personnel assessment technology: starting from competencies elaboration and finishing with assessment system implementation

Developing and delivering trainings for personnel assessment: psychometric testing and interviews by competences, assessment center, 360-degree feedback

HR-Analytics: the use of assessment tools in recruitment and selection of employees, performance evaluation, loyalty and commitment to the values ​​of the company

Comprehensive Team Assessment Program