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New Year’s resolutions

2New Year’s resolutions are a tradition that dictates that every 365 days, you should try to kick bad habits and start your life anew. We start a new year with hope that we can make our lives (or our relationships, our community, or even the world) better.

We hope to exchange self-destructive or wasteful old habits for new, healthier ones. Making Resolutions is like making promises — not very difficult. What s really tough is sticking to them.


Here are SOME TIPS to help you make and stick to your new year’s resolutions:

  1. Make them practical like SMART goals — specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-oriented.
  2. Be realistic by setting achievable goals. Winning the lottery, for example, is out of your grasp.
  3. Focus on positive statements: instead of «I will not be lazy» write down «I want to exercise regularly» or «I will cut down on my television watching.»
  4. Break down large goals into smaller ones. For instance, commit to losing weight by resolving to join a gym and improve your eating habits.
  5. Find alternatives to a behavior that you want to change, and make this part of your resolution plan. If you want to quit smoking but you smoke to relax yourself, think of other forms of relaxation available to you.
  6. Keep it simple. If you foresee yourself building an Eiffel Tower with the lego set, it goes without saying disappointment won’t be far off.
  7. Don’t compete/compare. This is a common pitfall when it comes to New Year Resolutions. What may work for your friend or neighbour may not work that effectively for you, simply because you are a unique individual who has a totally different socio-psychological framework.
  8. Start with yourself. Regardless of the fact whether you are single or in a relationship, start with improving yourself. Look inwards, introspect, ask yourself a couple of candid questions — Am I truly happy with myself ? What is it that I can improve ? This brings us to another vital issue — Time Management. Unless you set aside a part of the day for yourself, it’s next to impossible to build a happy, wholesome lifestyle ! Grab some time out for yourself — now.
  9. Disconnect to reconnect. Turn off your devices more frequently and step outdoors without them for a while every day. Switch off from the virtual world of e-mails and the internet for a part of the day and say hello to your next door neighbour instead. Work is important — but so is keeping that fine balance!
  10. Contentment is the key. While the purpose of setting targets and goals is to keep us on our toes and make us continually improve and upgrade in life, it’s equally important to know where to draw the line. Cultivate the habit of contentment — your attempts at improving yourself are sincere; realizing and acknowledging that is half the battle won !
  11. Keep notes and motivate yourself. Whatever the resolution set, be it losing weight or learning a hobby , keep track of your progress and don’t forget to reward yourself whenever you do achieve a milestone. If you feel tired or demotivated at times, keep in sight some positive liners such as »You Can Do It!» and » Keep going — you are almost there!»
  12. Above all, aim for things that are truly important to you, not what you think you have to do or what others expect of you.

All the Best to a New You this New Year!!!