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How to Deal with Information Overload When You Are Paralyzed by Data

Too much information brings you to a stand-still? Read on to move on.

1. Restrict The Experts You Follow

Instead of getting caught up in analysis paralysis from not knowing which expert to follow, make a general rule for yourself:

Find ONE expert that you respect. One that you would like to emulate – whose career you admire and  work you find compelling. And then default to their findings over others.

Different tactics taught by different people probably work. Anything can work for somebody. But if you cut out all of the other noise and focus on just following one or two expert opinions and teachings, it will clear up a lot of strife for you.

2. Get Some Distance

Once you’ve got deep in the process, it’s difficult to untangle yourself from all the information you’ve already taken in. So sometimes, you just have to get some distance.

Instead of trying to figure out what to do with it all at this moment, take a step back, take a break, walk away, work on something else, or use any other strategy to change direction – it can help you see some new perspective.

3. Do an Experiment

Sometimes we are paralyzed because we’re scared of wasting time, taking the wrong path, failing. We are afraid of people’s judgement.

In an experiment, there is no failure. Just hypothesis to be tested. So start looking at your project as an experiment. You can’t fail if you’re testing hypotheses. You’re just proving one wrong or right.

So choose the most compelling believable option available and start testing. As you begin to test, you’ll find whether the option works for you. If it does, you can stick with it. If not, move on and try the next way.

4. Go on an Information Cleanse

Think about the purpose of a food cleanse. You go on a cleanse to reset your body’s functions – it’s like spring cleaning for your body. Information cleanses are the same.

The purpose of an information cleanse is to reset your relationship with information. Stop consuming, start creating. Put yourself in a position so that your only option is to create or act on the knowledge you already have. After all, you have more than enough knowledge. You just have to act on it.

5. Stop Compulsively Learning

There’s too much interesting and useful information which we might be unwilling to miss. But the truth is that most of it piles untouched in the farthest margin of our memory as we simply have no time to tap on it. And when/if we need it we simply have no clue how to get it out of the brain attic. So stop taking in any piece of information and material you can get your hands on. Learn only what you need to know at any period of time to get you to the next step.


Stand-still Стопор Information cleanse Информационная диета
Get caught up Оказаться в ловушке Reset functions Переустановить функции
Analysis paralysis Аналитический паралич Consuming Потребление
Emulate Подражать Be unwilling to miss Не хотеть упустить
Find compelling Считать убедительным Pile untouched Оставаться нетронутым
Default to findings Принять по умолчанию Farthest margin of the memory На задворках памяти
Clear up strife Устранить раздор Tap on smth Использовать
Untangle yourself from smth Выпутаться Get your hands on smth Добраться до ч-либо
Judgement Суждение  
Test the hypothesis Проверить гипотезу