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6 Secret Skills for Increasing Your Charisma Potential

What does being charismatic mean? Think of it in terms of MIND, BODY, SPIRIT and LANGUAGE.

Read the article to learn 8 secret skills of how to increase your charismatic potential.

The Charismatic Mind

Charismatic people engage the minds of others. Their ideas and ideals tend to raise our vision above the mundane. To enhance the charisma mastery of your mind, engage your brain to
1 Read
2 Take a class in a subject that’s completely new to you
3 Continue your professional development
4 Learn personality types
5 Develop a better vocabulary
6. Learn to tell stories
7 Volunteer to teach or train others
8. Learn to laugh at yourself
9. Learn to joke around
10. Don’t try too hard to be funny
11. Learn to tease people

The Charismatic Body

Some people are physically charismatic. Motivational speaker Tony Robbins clearly had a commanding presence, thanks to his super-size frame which contributes significantly to his charisma. Now this is one instance where nature is at work, not nurture. BUT…you can improve your physical skills (if not your size) to enhance your charisma by:
1 Improving your overall health and vitality
2 Improving your ability to look people in the eyes
3 Developing a firm handshake
4 Investing in a new wardrobe that accentuates your best features
5 Carrying yourself proudly with your head up
6 Learning to smile more

The Charismatic Spirit

The connection we tend to most identify with charismatic leaders is the emotional. Though few people have ever met Mahatma Gandhi or Dalai Lama, their words and deeds have inspired millions. To connect emotionally to others in a more charismatic way, you should
1 Enhance your oral communication skills, including persuasion and public speaking
2 Enhance your ability to communicate effectively in writing
3 Focus more on those with whom you communicate and less on yourself
4 Learn to listen better
5 Learn to be genially interested in people
5 Be more aware of body space and body language
6 Work on being more optimistic

The Charismatic Language

When it comes to radiating charisma, you should remove all words of doubt and replace them with words of certainty.
1 Instead of saying, «I guess so,» try saying, «Yes!»
2 Instead of saying «I guess that’d be okay,» try saying, «That’s what I want.»
3 Instead of saying, «I guess we could sit over there,» try saying, «Let’s sit over there.»

6 Secret Skills for Increasing Your Charisma Potential

1 Secret Skill #1 — «Reading» People.

In order to communicate with someone, you’ll have to have a sense of what they’re thinking and feeling. You can acquire this skill by observing people, trying to guess what emotion they are feeling, and then asking them if your guess is correct. Over time, your ability to guess will improve.

2 Secret Skill #2 — Emotional Expression.

Studies have shown that most people are not nearly as good at communicating emotion non-verbally as they think they are. How do you do it? With the tone of your voice, your face, and your body language. The best way to improve your emotional expression is to try to convey more feeling when you’re conversing with people. If you want to improve quickly, practice in front of a mirror or videotape yourself.

3 Secret Skill #3 — Hiding Emotion (Selectively).

Showing the wrong emotion at the wrong time can cause discomfort in others or make people lose respect for you (having no emotional control is a sign of immaturity and lack of self-discipline).

4 Secret Skill #5- Playing by the (Social) Rules.

When in Rome, do as the Romans…if you want them to think you’re charismatic. Social rules are different for different cultures, subcultures, ages, regions, etc. Since part of being charismatic is «mirroring» what’s going on around you (to make people feel comfortable with you), you need to pay attention, study, and ask questions to figure out what’s considered «the norm» in a specific environment — things like who goes through the door first, how to introduce yourself to others, who reports to whom, etc

5 Secret Skill #6 — Develop a Multiple Personality.

The ability to play different roles with different people and knowing what works best with different people is a tremendous boost to your Charisma potential. But if being charismatic is about being yourself, how can you play different roles and still be true to yourself? Everyone’s personality has many aspects. You’re not always happy, are you? Or always sad. You’re not always friendly and you’re not always outgoing, but you’re not always a quiet loner either. Being socially flexible is about allowing the aspect of you that is appropriate to a situation to come out.

6 Secret Skill #7 — Talk the Talk.

This is the ability to use words to express yourself clearly and interestingly. You can improve your skill by paying attention to what makes some people interesting and others boring, and by practicing what you learn. Increase your word power (vocabulary) by spending more time expressing yourself verbally — conversing, giving speeches — simply try to improve your ability to express yourself with words.


Engage the minds Занимать умы Persuasion Убеждение
Raise above the mundane Подняться над обыденностью Doubt Сомнение
To enhance the mastery Усилить освоение Certainty Уверенность
Volunteer to teach Вызваться обучать Acquire the skill Овладевать навыком
Laugh at yourself Смеяться над собой Observe people Наблюдать за людьми
Tease people Дразнить людей Convey more feeling Передавать больше чувства
Contribute significantly to sth Делать существенный вкляд Sign of immaturity Знак незрелости
Nature at work (зд) Работает внешность Tremendous boost Существенное вливание
Carry yourself proudly Нести себя достойно Appropriate to the situation Соответственно ситуации
Firm handshake Твердое рукопожатие Allow to come out Продемонстрировать
Accentuate best features Подчеркивать лучшие черты