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Emotional Health


Myths and Facts about Emotional Health

Myth 1: There is a right way to feel in each and every situation in life.

Fact: Emotions cannot be classified as right and wrong or good and bad. There is no rulebook on what you can feel and when you can feel that way. In fact, people can react differently to all kinds of situations and no one can be considered right or wrong.

Myth 2: Expressing emotions to others shows weakness of character.

Fact: Nothing could be further from the truth. Showing your emotions to others requires bravery and the ability to accurately communicate your feelings to others. There is nothing wrong with communicating your feelings to others.

Myth 3. Having negative feelings means that there is something wrong with me.

Fact: Everyone has negative thoughts and feelings at some point in time and does not mean that there is something wrong with you. Although, if you feel you are having frequent negative thoughts, it may be a good idea to seek help.


Test yourself – here are some most common characteristics of mental and emotional health:

  • The ability to build strong relationships
  • A passion for life
  • The ability to laugh and enjoy life
  • Feelings of contentment with your life and your place in life
  • The ability to deal with stressful situations
  • Feelings of self-confidence as well as having a healthy self-esteem
  • The ability to adapt and change in new and challenging situations
  • Feelings of having meaning and purpose in your life
  • The ability to find a balance between work and life


How to stay emotionally healthy

There are many factors that can help you improve your emotional health, and one of the most important is your resilience. Resilience is the ability to overcome challenges quickly and effectively in order to move forward in life. Having this skill can greatly affect the way that you view life and its challenges. The more resilient you are the faster you can get back to your normal life after overcoming the adversity that came your way.

The best way to positively affect your resilience is to step back and watch the situation as if you are a stranger.  When watching it try to look for the positive way to effectively solve the issue. Finding the positive in each and every situation is a key factor in improving your resilience in a bad situation. Just applying this one technique can greatly alter the way you look at the world and its challenges.
