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Know Why Teachers Are Good for You

4In the words of a famous writer «Education is not the filling of a vessel but the lighting of a fire.» We must credit our teachers who ignite the fire of learning in the mind that is yearning for knowledge. But teaching is not easy.

Unlike popular self-belief, not every one can be a teacher. Sure, you can pursue teaching programs to gain the necessary certification to be a teacher. Great teachers can fish out the hidden qualities of every student. Great teachers teach the student to believe that nothing is impossible. They open new avenues, and encourage students to explore and achieve their true potential.

Right from the time we start our education trip, we come across different types of teachers. Some are friendly, some are strict, and some are the ones we idolize. We also dislike a few, who fail to impress us positively. Students begin to like teachers, according to their own individual preferences. They even classify their teachers into different categories. Let us explore them in detail.

Friendly Teacher.

A friendly teacher acts like a friend for his/her students. A teacher-friend, in fact, combines both the guidance of a teacher and the understanding of a friend. We all, at some point of time, aspire for an understanding teacher. Such a teacher acts like our friend, philosopher and guide.

Funny Teacher.

A funny teacher always wants to see his/her students smile and make learning a pleasurable experience. They are not clumsy, as most people think them to be. Rather, they are witty and bring in humor in the most subtle form.

Ideal Teacher.

An ideal teacher is the one we respect from our heart. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. Such a perfect teacher motivates them and boosts their morale. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them.

Lenient Teacher.

A lenient teacher is easygoing and takes things as they come. He/she is not very captious about things, such as doing homework on time or not sitting quietly in the class, etc. Such teachers very well realize that being strict with a child can only make him/her withdrawn. However, this does not mean that you can do anything in the class.

Strict Teacher.

A strict teacher is very tough on students. He/she always insists on meeting the deadlines. Such a teacher dislikes any mistakes or carelessness on the part of the students. Students have to be extra cautious under such a teacher. He/she is like a disciplinarian, always keeping students on their toes.

Can you think of other types?


Enrich — обогащать

Educate — образовывать

Give a chance — давать шанс

Stay forever — оставаться навсегда

Appreciate somebody- ценить высоко кого-либо

Fill a vessel — заполнять сосуд

Light/ignite a fire- зажигать пламя

Yearn for knowledge- стремиться к знаниям

Pursue programs- реализовывать программы

Gain certification- получать сертификат

Fish out — выуживать

Hidden qualities- скрытые качества

Encourage- вдохновлять

Achieve one’s true potential — раскрыть свой потенциал

Come across something- столкнуться с чем-либо

Aspire for something- стремиться к чему-либо

Guidance — руководство

Strict — строгий

Idolize somebody- идеализировать кого-либо

Fail — потерпеть неудачу

Impress positively- произвести хорошее впечатление

Individual preferences- личные предпочтения

Pleasurable experience- приятный опыт

Clumsy- неуклюжий/неловкий

Witty — остроумный

Subtle — тонкий

Push somebody- подталкивать кого-либо

Boost morale — укреплять моральные принципы

Refrain from criticizing- воздерживаться от критики

Lenient — снисходительный

Easygoing — покладистый

Captious — придирчивый

Make somebody withdrawn- заставить кого-то замкнуться

Tough — жесткий, грубый

Insist on something- настаивать на чем-либо

Keep somebody on the toes — держать кого-либо в услужении