A penny saved is a penny earned!
Why did pirates bite gold coins? Why were people paid in salt in old days? And is it possible to put cryptocurrency in a pocket? These and many other interesting things were discovered by participants of the latest session of Entertaining Management for Children and Adults, a unique project of the Corporate University, which was held on 03 February 2018.
George Shklyanik, Head of Transport Service Support Division, VDA and Lyubov Kamalova, Deputy Director for Economy, Finance and Accounting – Chief Accountant for Economic Matters, ABC taught children how to steer the economy.

A creative team of teachers developed an entertaining game combining monopoly and battle of wits that allowed all kids to put themselves in the shoes of the founder and investor of their own airlines.

During the session, children not only learned the history of money, but also tried to use various methods of payment, and found out that barter is not always convenient and that gold coins are not so durable, especially when they are chocolate ones.

How to start an air company? As it turns out, you need four key elements: team, aircraft fleet, route network and, last but not least, customers and partners.

Team costs are just the beginning! What aircraft are more cost-effective – B737 or, may be, IL-76? Who are our customers and what they need to transport? Answering these questions, children arranged their fleet and started to perform transportations. Not all of the teams managed to generate profit following the results of the first round, but thanks to well-coordinated work and competent economy management, they came up with the right solution!

In three rounds, Lyubov Kamalova explained children how to get a stable profit in their newly established airlines.
When asked what helped, the children answered in unison: “Our team!”
We are sincerely glad that all the kids during this lesson learned not only to address economy and finance issues, but also to manage the work!