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Business Letter Etiquette

How can you ensure your writing gets action from busy people? What makes an effective text? How does formatting help to make a document effective and attractive?

The attendees of the open seminar on effective business writing held by the Corporate University got the answers to these and many other questions. The corporate online venue brought together about 200 employees from various services and departments of our company.

Video of the seminar (into Russian) is already available in the Unified Information Knowledge System (system is available to company employees) at the link.

The seminar speaker, Head of Training Department, a professional instructor with over 20 years of experience, the author of “The effective business writing” course.

“I really liked the seminar on responsibility and respect in work-related writing; on how to write simply, clearly and in a persuasive way”, share Julia G. “It was very informative and very well put together, contained illustrative examples, with a view “from the customer” – which is in terms of the benefit to the reader, and as a result – to the writer.  I would definitely recommend the seminar to every employee. Keep cultivating the writing skill to make the written communications within the company much more effective!”