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On-the-job training!

O-koucheYou are sure to know about such a document as Personal Development Plan (PDP). How to make it a bridge between assessment and development, who can help to work it out, why on-the-job training is the most important – these are the questions we discussed with Anastasia Seregina, head of the Corporate Education assessment department.

– Anastasia, would you tell us about the purpose of personal development planning? What does the company have it for?

– The process of personnel development starts with assessment. It helps to identify areas which require development. In fact, PDP connects these two processes because it is based on the assessment results (360 assessment or the competency based interview) and a job performance review made by the line manager. PDP is the document which structures the development of particular areas with particular steps and actions. It’s in some way a bridge between assessment and development.

– What is PDP based on?

– Earlier we focused mostly on theory – trainings, seminars, books, e-learning with no place for practice. Now we approach it differently, with the focus on how to apply new knowledge at work, which practical skills to develop at work place. This is very important, as there’s no development without practice. Today it’s mostly about on-the-job training.
There are three main principles to base your PDP on:
1. Learn, apply, correct. This is how we aсquire and master skills: firstly, we find out how to do things, learn best practices, approaches, strategies. Then, we start applying it at work, making changes. Subsequently we correct, request feedback, analyze changes.

2. 70/20/10. This is how development looks in percentage: 10% – formal courses: trainings, seminars, books; 20% – informal training by observation (we learn from people and adopt their behavior if it’s what we feel right). This is all about theory. The rest 70% is practice, on-the-job training, particular behavior, actions being realized and analyzed at work place. This is how a new skill is acquired.

3. SMART goals. Actions stated in PDP should be specific, measurable, achievable , relevant, time-bound.

– Who controls PDP realization?

– It’s a matter of employees’ self-responsibility. This is very important. Development can be imposed, but if a person doesn’t accept it, the goals may not be achieved. The person should take responsibility for all the initiatives he/she has planned and accepted in the PDP. HR managers and executives can consult, give recommendations, help in choice. A line manager can control the way the plan is realized. But the main responsibility is on a candidate.

– Is it mandatory for all the company employees to have personal development plans?

– It is mandatory for the candidates to the company management reserve, and those employees whose assessment results showed areas critical for realization of their job tasks. At the same time a personal development plan can be worked out for any employee, if he or his line manager finds it necessary. Everybody has strengths and areas to work on. If a person understands it and wants to evolve, it’s the crucial step in personal development.

So, if you would like to work out your PDP, firstly, coordinate it with your line manager, then contact Anastasia Seregina in the assessment center: tel. 1724, anastasiya.seregina@volga-dnepr.com