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“Confident of Future!”

20151110_143455_2This was the conclusion made by the company newcomers invited to the adaptation seminar together with the company executives. The event took place within the Corporate University format – the School for New Company Employees – in November in Moscow. 

Sergey Shklyanik, Senior Vice-President and Tatiana Arslanova, Vice-President on Strategic Management and Charter Freight shared their experience, their perception of the company past and vision of the company future. Their straightforward and sincere way of unfolding the company history with its glaring victories and regrettable mistakes appealed much to the participants. The depicted image of the company present and future assured them that Volga-Dnepr is the very place to realize their potential.

Here is what the participants shared:

Rustam Rysbaev, the project administrator, VDM:
– First of all, I was happy to meet here the colleagues who were ready to lead the company to a new level. I was really impressed by the Sergey Shklyanik’s speech, who managed to integrate understanding of human and company values. Indeed, having certain values in mind the person is tuned to its practical embodiment and is shaping the law of perfection. The same principle works for the company: the better it realizes its values, the more efficient and successful it will be in pursuing its goal – Volga-Dnepr is an ‘eternal’ professional organization.  

IMG-20151111-WA0009Igor Bazhenov, the personnel assessment manager, VDM:
– What I mostly value in this event is the opportunity to see the company as it is viewed by the top managers. This is what helps to understand the company business better. What I mostly remember is Sergey Shklyanik’s stories (for example, about the ice-cream which exploded due to pressure on the way to Israel).
Such seminars contribute much to the personnel engagement as they ‘build bridges’ between the employees and the business. 

Anna Donchenko, the administrator, ABC:
– I was really impressed by the seminar. It exceeded all my expectations. It was very informative, informal and very well organized. As a result it really fostered knowledge and experience sharing – something which has been on everybody’s lips lately. There was also the feeling of some special emotional bond, sense of honour and belonging.

Igor Gordeev, the leading lawyer, VDTM:
– The seminar left me well-impressed and energetically charged for accomplishing general results. It was important to learn not only about the company background but also its plans and perspectives. It is vital to see and be confident of the future. Really appreciate!

Ilya Resnik, the corporate mail service administrator, ABC:
– First of all, I am really thankful for the opportunity to attend the seminar. Also, (briefly) a) I was surprised by that high level of discussion and top-managers’ involvement in it; b) genuine interest expressed by both parties – the new employees and the executives; c) the company ambitions and historically proved accomplishment of the set goals, as one of the key features of the employer; d) a detailed discussion of the company values resulted in really friendly and working atmosphere both at the seminar and at work. All mentioned above truly contribute to personnel motivation.

IMG-20151111-WA0014Alvina Rogova, the business development manager, VDM:
– I am really touched and thankful for my destiny to find myself inside such a vibrant and sincere “organism”! I have come from a different industry with very tough laws of survival and with people all by themselves.  I was pleasantly surprised by the company “inner kitchen” which provides conditions favorable for creativity.  I thank the seminar organizers – the mini-presentation joined together different people and let them express themselves. Mostly I was touched by Sergey Shklyanik and his story of the company background.   

Yana Zhitina, the personal assistant of the company vice-president:
– The seminar evoked very pleasant emotions and impressions. I appreciate the opportunity to get to know the company executives and to learn more about the company background.