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Speaking Club «Now that’s what I call Christmas»


На праздничном Speaking Club, посвященном Рождеству, участники обсуждали необычные рождественские традиции в разных странах мира и играли в классические рождественские игры. А еще слушали …


Kids’ Club «It was sweet!»

В предновогодние выходные в детском клубе Kids’ Club на Сурова прошел веселый и сладкий мастер-класс. На нем младшие слушатели учились расписывать глазурью традиционные рождественские имбирные пряники, участвовали в новогодних «состязаниях» и просто заряжались новогодним настроением. Больше фотографий в нашей группе вконтакте.


New Year’s resolutions


New Year’s resolutions are a tradition that dictates that every 365 days, you should try to kick bad habits and start your life anew. We start a new year with hope that we can make our lives (or our relationships, our community, or even the world) better. We hope to exchange self-destructive or wasteful old habits for new, healthier ones. Making …


Disney Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions (video)

If you are not sure what to start the New Year with, you may like to follow some valuable advice from your favourite Disney characters.


Christmas – exercises

Read this text about Christmas then do these exercises to check your understanding. 1. Check your understanding: true or false Choose True or False for these sentences. 1. Some modern Christmas traditions date from Roman times. 2. Britishpeople send money to friends, family, colleagues, classmates and neighbours at Christmas. 3. Gold, …


About Christmas

Christmas in the UK is the biggest holiday of the year. Family gatherings, turkey, presents and parties are just some of the things that come to mind when we think about Christmas time. Christmas can mean different things to different people. For many people it means eating a lot and spending time with family and visiting relatives and friends. For …
