Архив новостей

What skills do you need to communicate effectively?

Read the answer from our colleague Niklas Breitmeyer, Loadability Request Coordinator EU — Heavy and Outsized Cargo, AirBridgeCargo Dear colleagues, dear unattached readers, The secret of effective communication across Europe is not a secret at all. A heterogenous exchange of information always require finding a common level for all …


How to communicate effectively n France?

Here are some tips on effective communication in France from our colleague : Formality, politeness and courtesy : Formality and high level of politeness are of importance. «Monsieur» (courtesy title for men) or «Madame» (courtesy title for women married or single aged over 18 years old) are used to address superiors or people …


Хотите успешно сдать ЕГЭ или ОГЭ?


ЕГЭ по английскому языку достаточно сложный, тем не менее, его выбирают многие выпускники. Письменная  часть этих экзаменов  состоит из четырех разделов, каждый из которых разработан …
