

Professionals must know how to negotiate well to successfully close deals, avoid conflicts, improve relations among the employees and make the organization a better place to work. To go through some handy tips for professionals for a successful negotiation read on.

Be Confident

  • No matter how desperate you may be, your confidence will set your opposition back a bit. Be calm and cheerful. Do not in any way indicate that you’re desperate for the deal, the job, the car, the house or the item for which you are negotiating.

Be Prepared

  • Prior to starting the negotiation, make sure you’re on top of every detail. If you have these details available quickly, it will give you far more power in negotiating as it will become clear that you understand the business issue at hand. If issues arise of which you were not aware, stop the negotiation and take time to get further information before continuing.

Start High?

  • Negotiating is not meeting in the middle. It is finding a common place of agreement. You don’t have to start too high or start low, but the deal that you strike will not be the deal you start with. Make sure that you can make concessions that are not of tremendous importance to you.

Know What You Want

  • Similarly, know what your bottom line is. With too many concessions your deal isn’t going to be satisfactory. Make sure you know in advance what is absolutely the minimum that works. Be willing to walk away if that minimum is no longer available. It’s a powerful technique which also gives a chance to cool heads if the negotiating is becoming heated.

Don’t Lose Your Cool

  • If it’s getting very heated, take a time out. Walk outside, review your needs and assess where you are in the negotiation. If you’ve just been surprised with new information, either research it using your hand-held computer or reschedule until you can be fully ready to continue. If you’re clearly too far apart from your opponents and they are unwilling to move, assess whether to walk away now or see what further steps you can take, if any.


Close deals – закрывать сделку
Handy tips – полезные советы
Be desperate — быть в отчаянии
Set smb back – затормозить, охладить
Be on top of every detail – быть во всеоружии
Understand smth at hand – хорошо разбираться
Make concessions – делать уступки
Tremendous importance – огромное значение
Know in advance – знать заранее
Cool heads – остудить пыл
Become heated — накаляться
Review one’s needs – пересмотреть свои потребности
Be too far apart from smb – слишком расходиться в чем-либо