

1382877307_1355804954Sometimes, little conflicts between two persons escalate to huge conflicts between families and before you know it leads to hostilities between nationalities and states. The only difference between the little conflict with your friend and the big battles fought in battle grounds is probably just the weapons of mass destruction and perhaps the massive damage but the roots of the wars are the same.

If we want our children to be a generation free from war, we must sow the seeds of meaningful virtues like love, peace, forgiveness in their hearts both by word and example. It is a shame that some parents instruct their children to hate other people, to make promises of revenge not knowing that they are simply sowing seeds of great wars in the future.

War is evil! Let us start doing our own part to prevent future wars and create a war free generation for our children. If we don’t put an end to war, the war will put an end to us all.

Here are simple tips to follow to contribute to the world peace.

  • Remember your past, your history. There is no future without past. Pay tribute and keep a sacred memory of those who gave their lives for you to have the future.
  • Love yourself.
  • Love your neighbour as yourself.
  • Let the peace that passes all understanding live in your heart.
  • Cast away every spirit of hatred and revenge within you. Do not repay evil with evil.
  • Be quick to forgive and let go.


Prevent war – предотвращать войну Sow seeds – сеять семена
Duty— обязанность Virtues – добродетели
Contribute to the world peace – способствовать миру By word and example – словом и делом
Escalate conflicts – нагнетание конфликтов Promise of revenge – обещание отомстить
Before you know – не успеешь оглянуться Evil – зло
Hostility – враждебность Pay tribute – отдавать дань
Weapons of mass destruction – оружие массового поражения Sacred memory – священная память
Let go – отпускать Cast away – выбросить
Spirit of hatred – дух ненависти Repay evil with evil – отплатить злом за зло