
Dealing gracefully with the elderly

Respect the elderly person.

Always be respectful to the elderly. Even though they have aged and may be losing their health, they are still people with emotions and ideas. Don’t judge them by their physical condition. Aging is simply a part of the natural cycle: you are born, you’re a kid, you’re grown into your teen years, adult years, and one day you will be elderly too. Have respect for them and their lives.

Help your loved one to cope with the loss of independence.

Encourage them to maintain friendships, stay active, develop new interests and keep in touch with other family members. Explain that the loss of independence is not a personal failing and rather just part of the natural cycle of life.

Visit frequently.

Visiting will provide an emotional connection and improve the mental well being of your loved one. Visiting will also allow you to check up on their health and well-being. You can see whether they have been watering the plants, opened their mail or have any bruises, all of which may signify that they need additional assistance. Get friends and family members to help.

Find areas of mutual interest.

Some younger people may mistakenly think they cannot connect with elderly people, but remember that they might also feel they cannot connect with you are your interests. Try to open your mind and find out what gives them joy. If you can’t share their interest at least you can share their excitement.

Try to keep things as unchanged as possible.

Many elderly people are uncomfortable and nervous about change, especially when they are moving out of their home. Try to keep everything as stable as possible.

Make them feel welcome and at home.

Try to get them to participate in the activities of the senior center or include them in activities in your home. Encourage them to be active participants in their environment. You can also encourage them to get outside or take them outside for walks or other activities. This can help them to feel happier, especially if they suffer from depression. You can even surprise them with gifts from time-to-time or hold parties for them as a way of keeping them involved.

Listen to their stories.

You may find them interesting and they can even help you navigate issues or situations in your own life. The elderly have a lifetime’s worth of experiences to offer, you can learn and improve your own life by listening and engaging with them. Find the beauty in their stories and learn from them. This will also deepen the connection between you and can help them feel more connected to the world around them.

Be prepared for resistance from the elderly person.

Resistance is one of the most common challenges people face when caring for the elderly. Your loved one might feel the loss of independence, physical loss or mental loss. This can lead them to feeling frightened, vulnerable, guilty and/or angry and cause resistance in accepting your care. They also can think it is a sign of weakness to accept help, be stubborn or be worried about the physical burden and costs involved.

Speak to the elderly person when you are both relaxed.

Choose a time when you are both relaxed and open to conversation. This will make it easier for you both to speak openly and honestly while listening to what the other person says.

Ask the elderly person for their personal preferences.

They may be feeling the loss of freedom and independence by requiring assistance and it is important to take their wishes into consideration. Ask them for their choices in terms of which family member or type of service provides care. You may not be able to accomplish all of their wishes but it is important to hear and consider them.

Be patient and keep trying.

It may take time and effort to convince your loved one to accept help. If they are unwilling to discuss the topic at first, try again later and don’t give up.



Age – возраст/стареть

Lose health – терять здоровье

Judge by physical condition – судить по внешности

Have respect for smb – уважать к-либо

Your loved one – ваш любимый человек

Cope with something – справиться с чем-либо

Loss of independence – потеря независимости

Failing – неудача

Improve mental well-being – улучшать психическое самочувствие

Encourage – воодушевлять

Maintain friendships – поддерживать дружеские отношения

Keep in touch with smb – быть на связи

Check up on the health – справиться о здоровье

Water plants – поливать цветы

Have bruises – иметь синяки

Additional Assistance – дополнительная помощь

Signify – сигнализировать

Mutual interest – взаимный интерес

Think mistakenly – ошибочно полагать

Give smb joy – приносить радость

Physical burden — физическая обуза

Personal preferences – личные предпочтения Accomplish wishes – исполнять желания

Be patient – быть терпеливым

Take time and effort –тратить время и прилагать усилия

Share interests – разделять интересы

Share excitement – разделять волнение

Feel uncomfortable- чувствовать неуютно

Keep everything stable – сохранять в неизменном состоянии

Make people feel welcome – быть гостеприимным

Participate in activities – участвовать в деятельности

Senior Center – дом престарелых

Suffer from depression – страдать от депрессии

Hold parties – устраивать праздники

Navigate issues – помогать в проблемах

Improve your life – улучшать жизнь

Learn from somebody – учиться у кого-либо

Deepen the connection – углублять отношения

Resistance – сопротивление

Challenge – сложная задача

Care for the elderly – уход за пожилыми

Physical/mental loss – потеря физ/умствен.здоровья

Feel frightened – быть напуганным

Vulnerable – уязвимый

Guilty – виноватый

Stubborn – упрямый

Speak honestly – говорить честно

Take wishes in consideration – принимать во внимание желания

Convince smb – убеждать кого-либо

Accept help – принимать помощь

Be unwilling – не хотеть