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Global company – global sales!

IMG_9405The training program “Global Sales” organized by the CU Professional School on Sales and Marketing has finished.  Its final module gathering more than 20 employees from different VD offices worldwide was held in Hamburg from February 29 to March 4. Our marketing, sales and customer service specialists were taught by the Kuehne Logistics University professors – Christian Tröster, J. Rod Franklin and Frédéric Schwaller.

– This module was as comprehensive and dynamic as the previous two! – shared Ekaterina Andreeva, sales specialist, VDA. – What I really appreciate is the idea of giving the participants some practical homework at the beginning of the training course. The task was being worked on throughout the course to be presented at the end of the third final module. The training also covered such important issues as long-term mutually beneficial relationships with customers, negotiation styles, some specifics on negotiation preparation.  The knowledge and skills we gained and practised are obviously very useful for the company commercial activity.

IMG_9442– The third module was about practical implementation of the knowledge gained at the first two, adds Vitaly Andreev, head of the customer support service, VDA. Every evening after the training the participants were busy applying the gained knowledge to improve their presentations on the analysis and the strategy of the interaction with the key customers. The results of our mutual effort were presented on the fourth day and were appreciated by the KLU professors. Though, the primary learning outcome was the opportunity to get a new angle on our daily routine, to improve it so that its results were really beneficial for the customers.


Training can’t be boring!

– It was practicable! – says Andrey Rassadkin, deputy of the sales executive manager, VDM. – Our teachers showed us the mechanism to interact with customers, explained why and how it works and how it should work. I really found practicable the negotiation cases we did. It’s a very good idea to combine theory and practice. Another advantage of the training course was the opportunity to communicate with our colleagues from ABC, which really helped mutual understanding of charter and regular businesses.


Ready to increase the company sales

– First of all, many thanks to Corporate University for letting me have the opportunity to participate in the “Global Sales” Training, adds Jonathan Celetaria, Sales Manager, ABC (Frankfurt, Germany). The 3 weeks we have been students again were very helpful in my everyday work. If other colleagues could have the same opportunity, that would be great. What has been very useful to me:  To ensure bringing Value to our customers, you need to know the basics. You learn to understand what needs your customers have and this ensures you not to undersell your own product. You become more of a consultant seller instead of just selling a product: how to bargain to your needs and use the complete VD portfolio to have a better position. I liked it very much that we did not only have a theoretical part, but also practical exercises. All Professors were fantastic. They made the seminar both entertaining and interactive…
Basically all 3 modules were very helpful… Starting from Marketing Analysis, Complex solution selling & business development and Long-term Relationship. You gradually continue to build up your knowledge till the end of the last module and present what you have learned to achieve your goals… And of course getting to meet and spend time with our VD & ABC colleagues from other regions. In the beginning, I had the feeling that both airlines were protecting their own interests and had their own view of making business, but after the first session, both understood that only with combined efforts we can achieve our goals. I would highly recommend this seminar/training. I am sure others will as well be able to gain from this knowledge which only benefits our customers and company.
Of course being out of daily business is difficult, but the effect that you have afterwards brings more to everybody. In case I get invited to such courses again, I will be more then happy to participate.

– I am really thankful for the excellent organization of the training course in KLU! – summarizes Alexey Zotov, leading manager on business development, ABC. The course material was interesting, easily comprehensible and applicable. I will use it to increase the company sales.