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To describe and to share the experience

20150720_120625_cut_2Description and transfer of experience is becoming the daily process in company. The employees of the business center “Krylatsky Hills” in Moscow got acquainted with the experience of the flight staff on the results of a flight with failed engine. The first of 16 films named “Heart and flaming engine” was shown July 20. The film was presented by one of the authors – Eleanor Surina, a leading expert on the Human Factor.

The experience was presented as a video, which was interesting not only for flight personnel, but also to the office staff. The most important results of such meetings are the understanding of environment and industry we work, the contribution of everyone to flight safety.

The film aroused great interest and response from all employees.

«Great movie! It is important to show these videos to the office staff to tell them about who works on airplanes. This is especially important to learn firsthand from the participants of the events. Also a video presentation is more memorable than the article»Dina Gorbanjuk, assistant of the President for external relations.

«The feeling of being a part of something big, significant, great and historic! It makes us integral whole»Olga Shcherbina, a leading specialist in working with international organizations

All participants agreed that watching films with the description of company experience is a need for each employee of our company.